Monday, April 4, 2011

Excerpts from Giordano Bruno, Mathematical Magic, with google translation

Excerpts from Bruno

Magia Mathematica

I. Influit Deus in angelos, angeli in corpora caelestia, caelestia in elementa, elementa in mixta, mixta in sensus, sensus in animum, animus in animal. Ascendit animal per animum ad sensus, per sensus in mixta, per mixta in elementa, per elementa in caelos, per hos in daemones seu angelos, per istos in Deum seu in divinas operationes.

III. Sapientia triceps, a qua triplici capite triplicem latratum emittens Cerberus, ad Hecates tricipitis custodiam designatus, repellit obscuros et ignorantiae caecitatis affectos, et tantummodo admittit in Elysios campos, qui per metaphysicam a cacumine scalae descendentes per mathematicorum gradus ad physicum fundamentum

VII. Signum eius quod dicitur est, quod animi dominantur corporibus, iique sunt fenestrae quibus in animalia se ingerunt plurima accidentia. Patet enim mutatis animis corpora alterari in effectu irae, indignationis, invidiae, melancholiae et similium; unde idem Cabalista 'spiritus' inquit 'tristis exiccat ossa' etc.

Neque enim credibile est nec credendum proponitur, quod omnes praeter credentes etiam sanitati restituerit.

X. Modus atque forma tractandi cum omnibus potestatibus non est arduus, sed licet apud plurimos huius artis indagatores intueri, ut, apud Albertum qui generales hac de re canones instituit atque breves.

XVI. De characteribus et sigillis. Angelorum nominibus characteres et sigillos addere solent, quae sunt litterae quaedam et scripturae ignoratae, sacrae Diis, quas hieroglyphicas appellant etc. (p. 388). Quod quidem characterum genus pendebat ab arbitrio et illius instituentis authoritate, qui talium acceperat consecrandorum potestatem (p. 389).

XXV. Praeter ea quae dicta sunt, animadvertendum est omnia numero quodam atque mensura temporum, locorum et rerum tractandarum esse examinanda. Tempus enim praeest temporalibus rebus et continet eas, quemadmodum a superioribus corporibus inferiora continentur; qua de re tempus esse in primo caelo existimaverunt antiqui.

Alberti generalis doctrina.

Omissis ipsis quae faciunt ad praxis aenigmata, colligenda sunt ex principe Alberto quae praecipue ac magis in hac scientia probantur, cuiusmodi sunt plura; quorum primum quod haec scientia est bona, authoritate philosophi volentis omnem scientiam esse de genere bonorum; quod si quae propter eam sunt iustae querelae, ipsae non a scientia proficiscuntur etc. (cf. Albert. p. 127 sq.)

Quod ea quae videntur in characteribus, incantationibus, veneficiis et sermonibus et multa valde vilia, quae penitus videntur impossibilia nec sufficientem habent causam, non propterea contemnentur

Haec sunt quae universam magiae rationem continent, quae homini prudenti atque sensato sola sufficiunt, nec placuit attulisse exempla et caetera particularia, in quibus alii occupantur, quandoquidem illa non habenti harum rerum rationem nihil deservire possunt et frustra tentantur. Porro haec ipsa intelligenti et in eorum consideratione profundanti, non solum talia et eadem, sed et similia et maiora et maxima sunt pervia. Si quis ergo existimet nos completam artem non attulisse, et omnia quae ex aliorum studiis ad complementum scientiae, solum supervacaneis praetermissis, non aggregasse, sciat illud esse defectum sui iudicii et mentis imbecillitatem, quia ad haec et alia percipienda minus a caelo factus est idoneus. Quod si qui libros maiores inscripsisse videntur, ipsum est quia extranea et ad rem minus facientia plurimum miscuere, fortasse ut artem minus perviam facerent, quod nos fecisse potuimus.

Excerpts from Bruno

More mathematical

I, God is in the flows into the angels, the angels in the heavenly bodies, the heavenly in the elements, the elements in their mixed, mingled with the sense, the meaning of place in the soul, the soul is in an animal. Went up a lamb by the mind to the senses, through the senses in a mixture, by the mingled with the elements, through the elements into the heavens, by the demons or to these in the angels, by reason of these in God, or in the divine workings.

3. The wisdom of three-headed, from which the head of a triple Cerberus Sending out a bark and a threefold, to the elect, the custody of Hecate 'of triceps, it repels, obscure and affected by blindness of ignorance, and it had only admits in the Elysian fields, who by the metaphysics is at the top of the mathematicians descending on the ladder steps to the foundation of a physical object

7. Mark of the of what we predicate it is, that lord it over the bodies of the mind, and those are mentioned in the windows They loaded them with the living creatures themselves a very great accidents. For it is clear changed their minds and the bodies of an alteration in the effect of anger, indignation, jealousy and melancholy, and the like; Cabalista for which the same, 'a spirit' he says, "sad drieth up the bones', etc.

For neither is, there is credible is proposed to be believed, with the exception of those who believe that the also restore the health.

X. Degree, and by form of the treatment, with all the power it is not arduous task, but though before the investigators of the very many of this art to look upon, so that, with Albert, the general, who on this matter short, and the canons of the innovations.

16. Of the characters and the seals. Of the Angels and the seal of the names of the characters are wont to add, which are of the letter a kind of "unknown" and written documents, sacred to the gods, which he had won by fighting, etc call. (P. 388). That, indeed, was hanging up of the characters from the kind of discretion and of that in instituting the authority, to be consecrated, who had received the power of such (p. 389).

25. In addition to what has been said, must take note that all things in number, and in a certain measure of the times, places and things should be treated with be examined by. For the time of presides over the disposal of temporal things and it contains them, just as from the lower parts of the higher bodies are contained; where from the thing it is time we thought that the in the first heaven the ancients.

Albert the general doctrine.

Omitting the very things which they do to the practice of enigmas, are to be gathered of the emperor, which is taken chiefly Alberto and more in this science, approved, of which sort are several; the first of which this science that it is no good, by the authoritie philosophers all knowledge of him who wills to be of the kind of goods, but if it which are on account of her of a just cause to complain, of us, themselves, not by the knowledge set out for, etc. (Cf. Albert., P. 127 sq.)

That those things which are seen in the characters, enchantments, magic arts, and also with words of a very great example, vile things it seems impossible for things which do not have a cause of a sufficient, do not therefore despised

These are services which contain more the nature of the whole, in which man that is wise, and to the prudent is the only suffice for them, it was decided, nor had brought the rest of these examples, and the particular, in which some are occupied, since she does not have a reason nothing of these things they can serve and that in vain are attempted. Further, this the one who understands itself and in their consideration of profundanti, not only these things, and the same, but, and the like, and in greater and more accessible to are the greatest. If any one should think of us, therefore, does not have brought the art of a complete, and all of others which is of the pursuits that lead to the complement of the knowledge, the only superfluous as passing over the others, not aggregasse, know that it is his own lacking of judgment, and the weakness of the mind, because for the receiving of these and other less from heaven he became, is a suitable. If those who seem to inscripsisse the books of our ancestors, that was because the the strange to the thing they carry out very much less than she hath mingled, perhaps to the art of ACCESSIBLY less than we do what we have done have been able to.

1 comment:

  1. Myriad Serendipitous Encounters and Events of Synchronicity In My Life Provides Me With A More Profound Appreciation & Understanding of Powers Much Greater Than Ourselves. I Am Perpetually Grateful! And For This, I Deem It Rightful To Share What I've Been Given with the Hope that,You, in turn, Will Do The Same!

    Like any warrior, I fought to defend. Honor, dignity, integrity - they mean so much to me. As does compassion, understanding, forgiveness. Deep down, I am the same now as I was then - even before I had been given the moniker, Dan (The Man) Landers. I welcome you by one and I thank you all! R.J. Fico
