University of Wales Trinity Saint David
The Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture,
School of Archaeology, History and Anthropology
Eleventh Annual Sophia Centre Conference
Call for Papers
22-23 June 2013
Venue: Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, Bath, England
Keynote speakers
Prof. Peter Forshaw, Universitair Docent (Senior Lecturer/Assistant
Professor) for History of Western Esotericism in the Early Modern Period at
the Center for History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents,
University of Amsterdam.
Prof. Elliot R. Wolfson, Abraham Lieberman Professor of Hebrew and Judaic
Studies, New York University.
Conference Chairs
Dr Nicholas Campion, University of Wales Trinity Saint David,
Dr Liz Greene, University of Wales Trinity Saint David and the University of
Conference Theme
Magic, loosely defined, is the attempt to engage with the world through the
imagination or psyche, in order to obtain some form of knowledge, benefit or
advantage. Celestial magic engages with the cosmos through stellar,
planetary or celestial symbolism, influences or intelligences. This academic
conference will explore the history, philosophy and practice of celestial
magic in past or present societies.
The conference organisers invite proposals for papers of 30 minutes which
may deal with text, imagery, practice or theory. We welcome proposals on any
time period or culture. The deadline for submissions is 31 December 2012.
Please include an abstract of c. 150 words and a biography of c 100 words,
in the same document.
Abstracts and biographies should be e mailed to Dr Liz Greene,
The conference is held in collaboration with the Sophia Centre Press.
Publication: selected proceedings will be published through the Sophia
Centre Press.